Fort Vancouver Little League

 Vancouver Washington Youth Baseball For Children Aged 4-16

FVLL is a 100% volunteer-driven organization! Your help is always welcomed and appreciated, regardless of your skill, age or talent. Currently we have positions available for new coaches, managers, umpires and coordinators. We can provide training when necessary and welcome any and all contributions. If you want to help, we want your help! Please contact us today.

Fort Vancouver Little League represents a proud tradition and legacy of youth baseball and softball in Vancouver, Washington. Many of our coaches, managers, umpires and board members played for FVLL themselves when they were young. Established in 1953 and  located on Mill Plain Blvd  across the street from Hudson's Bay High School, we're the oldest Little League in Clark County, Washington.

FORT VANCOUVER LITTLE LEAGUE would like to thank the Today Foundation for the generous donation they gave us. It will go a long way towards putting the complex back to where it was at prior to 2020. 

FVLL is active in the Vancouver, Washington community year-round!

True North Geotechnical Services